Announcement "Laura Pasqualetti 2024"

Call for applications "Laura Pasqualetti 2024"
The Goldoni Theater Foundation, through its Mascagni Department, announces a call for pianists accompanists. The final evening will take place on the stage set up in the square in front of the Teatro Goldoni Monday, August 12, 2024 as part of the Mascagni Festival.

How to participate

Announcement "Mascagni Day 2024"

Mascagni Day 2024 Call for Proposals
The Goldoni Theater Foundation, through its Mascagni Department - with the support of Unicoop Tirreno, within the framework of the Mascagni Festival 2024 and in particular as part of the initiatives planned for the "Mascagni Day," announces a call for proposals aimed at the selection of No. 5 Artistic Projects for the first edition of Mascagni Day, which will be will take place on August 2, the anniversary of Pietro Mascagni's death. The initiative was created with the clear intent to remember the great composer through activities related to the realities cultural realities of the territory of Livorno and its province.

How to participate