Saturday, August 10, 9:30 p.m.
Waterfront Antignano
August 11, 2023
Sound revolutions between counterpoints, melodies and innovation, with music by Mascagni and pages by composers such as Puccini and Faurè whose death centenary falls on this year
With soloists from the Mascagni Academy and musicians from the P. Mascagni Conservatory of Livorno
Luisa Bertoli and Rossella Vingiani sopranos
Marcandrea Mingioni* baritone
Soloists of the Mascagni Academy
Gianni Cigna, Andrea Tobia, Angela Panieri piano
The stations
Mascagni Night stations on the Antignano waterfront.
Mascagni Night, a summer event that has rightfully entered the Labronica tradition, is now in its third edition. The six musical stations, set up as usual on the beautiful promenade that runs along the sea at Antignano, will feature two separate events this year: the first, "Mascagni at the calasole," will begin at 8:26 p.m., the time when the sun sets on the sea horizon of the Livorno sea, while the traditional "Mascagni Night" will begin at 10 p.m. Over a kilometer of the promenade, instrumental and vocal pieces including chamber, operatic and traditional music compositions by composers of the last century will be enjoyed. The performance will feature musicians from the Festival, singers from the Mascagni Academy and instrumental and solo ensembles from the P. Mascagni Conservatory of Livorno.